WUSHU CLUB 2016/2017


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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Announcement ::

Starting from 1/11/2011 (event in November), any event organisor who wish to invite Wushu Club's Wushu or Drum team to perform during the event, kindly fill in the Performance Invitation Form which is available in online (http://wushuclubusmkk.blogspot.com/) or paper form (get from current president).

Any approach without submitting the form will NOT be considered as official invitation. Any invitation must be done 2 weeks ahead of the date of event. Kindly read the rules and regulation that are written on the form.

Thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day.

Yap Wan Han
President of Wushu Club 2011/2012

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wushu Club Interaction Day 鼓武 · 乐 FUN 天

Tired of studying ? Bored of daily routines like lectures, practicals, assignments, language classes ?

This coming holiday USMKK Wushu Club will organized an Interaction Day, Where lots of games and varieties waiting to entertain you.

All Wushu Club members are welcomed to join.
We will meet you on 18 November 2011 9.00a.m. at the Murni Hall, USMKK.
Refreshments are provided.

All participants must wear sports attires.
It is encouraged to wear dark colour shirts ( dark blue, black, dark purple, etc ) because participants may subject to water splashing during the event and probably get wet. Thus it would be wise to avoid wearing white colour shirts ( especially girls ).

See you there  :-)

Friday, October 14, 2011

陈微崇 - 24节令鼓创办人

陈徽崇老师对文化事业贡献良多,他创办的廿四节令鼓,被国家列为马来西亚文化,他曾获得2001年第三届马 来西亚表演艺术薪传奖。陈徽崇老师是廿四节令鼓的始祖,他的艺术震撼人心,充满活力,令人敬佩。陈徽崇老师将廿四节令鼓流传到中国,也就是把我国的艺术出 口到中国,这是值得我们学习的。













(一) 观察:用眼睛观察、用耳朵聆听、用触觉感受、用心领悟。

(二) 思考:累积经验,参考中华文化和农耕工作,加以思考,不断追求突破。

(三) 向上:永远保持这种欲望,本着求进步和推广民族文化的使命。


1. 发扬中华文化。

2. 推广廿四节令鼓的敲击技术。

3. 促进纪律团体的精神。

1988 年,适逢第九届全国华人舞蹈节于新山举行,其开幕礼便是以九面鼓串击,雄壮的鼓声相互撞击所产生的震撼力,使文化人陈再藩产生了以二十四面单皮鼓代表一个 节令,鼓配为节令,将吶喊与鼓声结合为一体的一个初步概念。陈再藩的原始构想,再得到新山著名歌乐教育家、作曲家陈徽祟的酝酿、音乐性的再创作,才有了二 十四节令鼓完整演艺形式的诞生。

据说,当时新山懂得打鼓的人并不多,于是陈徽崇便在新山宽柔中学里从该校华乐团、军铜乐团等团体 里,将懂得打鼓的同学召集起来加以训练,成为了第一批二十四节令鼓的鼓手。于是,在1988年的某天,新山的柔佛古庙响起了世界上第一声二十四节令鼓的鼓 声,世界第一支二十四节令鼓队正式成立了。





二十四节令鼓,是一个由马来西亚华人打造出来,具有浓厚中华色彩的文化品牌。如果此次能获得国家的认可,其意义将不只是肯定了华人艺术的地位,更表现出 马来西亚多元文化并存的气派,同时将让更多人认识到:二十四节令鼓乃发源于马来西亚,是令马来西亚人足以自豪的文化象征!
(来源:马来西亚《星洲日报》, 作者:洪一麟)

Wushu 武术

“‘Wu’ 武” is translated as ‘martial’ in English, however in terms of etymology, this word has a slightly different meaning. In Chinese, “wu 武” is made up of two parts, the first meaning “stop”(zhi 止) and the second meaning “invaders lance” (je 戈). This implies that “wu’ 武,” is a defensive use of combat. The term “wushu 武術” meaning martial arts goes back only to the beginning of the 20th century. Prior to that it meant military affairs. The earliest term found in the Han History (206BC-23AD) was "bing jiqiao" 兵技巧,military fighting techniques. During the Song period (c960) the name changed to "wuyi" 武艺,literally "martial arts". In 1928 the name was changed to "guoshu" 国术 or "national arts" when the National Martial Arts Academy was established in Nanjing. The term reverted to "wushu" 武術 under the People's Republic of China during the early 1950s.
As forms have grown in complexity and quantity over the years, and many forms alone could be practiced for a lifetime, modern styles of Chinese martial arts have developed that concentrate solely on forms, and do not practice application at all. These styles are primarily aimed at exhibition and competition, and often include more acrobatic jumps and movements added for enhanced visual effect compared to the traditional styles. Those who generally prefer to practice traditional styles, focused less on exhibition, are often referred to as traditionalists. Some traditionalists consider the competition forms of today's Chinese martial arts as too commercialized and losing much of its original values.

"Martial Morality"   武德

Traditional Chinese schools of martial arts, such as the famed Shaolin monks, often dealt with the study of martial arts not just as a means of self-defense or mental training, but as a system of ethics. Wude ( ) can be translated as "martial morality" and is constructed from the words "wu" (), which means martial, and "de" (), which means morality. Wude (武德) deals with two aspects; "morality of deed" and "morality of mind". Morality of deed concerns social relations; morality of mind is meant to cultivate the inner harmony between the emotional mind (Xin, ) and the wisdom mind (Hui, ). The ultimate goal is reaching "no extremity" (Wuji, ) (closely related to the Taoist concept of wu wei), where both wisdom and emotions are in harmony with each other.

Concept Yale romanization Traditional Character Simplified Character 汉语拼音 Cantonese
Humility Qian qiān him1
Sincerity Cheng chéng sing4
Courtesy Li lai5
Loyalty Yi yi6
Trust Xin xìn seun3
Concept Yale romanization Character 汉语拼音 Cantonese
Courage Yong yǒng yung5
Patience Ren rěn yan2
Endurance Heng héng hang4
Perseverance Yi ngai6
Will Zhi zhì ji3

Source : Wikipedia

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Form for Ticket and Tshirt

Tickets for Wushu Intervarsity Championship 2011 are available at RM5 for 2 days. First 500 person will get (1 button badge as ticket,1 bottle of soft drinks,refreshment). Please fill in the form below and we will deliver it to you.

For the new Wushu T-shirt, please fill in the form below to order. We will soon deliver the t-shirt to you once the t-shirt arrived. Thank you.